Psalm 111:10 (NRSV)
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding.His praise endures forever."
When we pay attention to who God is and submit our will to His, we will be reminded that God deserves all the glory.
This verse keeps my feet touching the ground. All that we have are from God. There comes a point in my life that I felt entitled of something which I should not be. Through this verse, I realized that in every victory, every blessing, and every good thing we must acknowledge God. We should always give the credit to God.
The more we fear the Lord and ackowledge Him, the more we see things according to His perspective. Also, we will learn and understand why various things are happening.
Lord, you are the Most High, teach me your ways and guide me throughout this life. In Jesus' Namen. Amen.
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